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A Word from the Third Amigo

Hey, y'all!

I’m Jessica Lee Andres, but you can just call me Jes! Goodness, where to begin? I’m currently on set right now filming inside Lulus’s (such an adorable shop by the way) and decided to get a jump on this blog post.

A little bit of personal background info - I’m from a small town in Indiana that is much like Morton. I grew up in the performing arts and did a lot of bouncing back and fourth to/from Los Angeles and that’s how I met my girls Alix Kermes (Baking Up Love’s Lynn Travis) and Carly Bondár (Baking Up Love’s Miss Hamlin). Ultimately, my life’s journey lead me to graduate with my bachelor's in nursing, and I’m currently a certified pediatric hematology oncology nurse. Obviously I’ve been a huge supporter of Al so when I heard she was filming just five hours away from me, I reached out and asked what days she was filming so I could come visit her. I’ve also been a big Candice Cain fan over the years so I was absolutely thrilled when I got the call from Alix that Candice wanted to include me to play Morgan in the film!

I got to town on Wednesday and was immediately charmed by the town and how welcoming everyone is, including your mayor! In the last post, Carly covered most of how the last couple days have been and how wonderful people are, and how great Morton’s hospitality is toward the cast and crew and I just cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate it! It’s really wonderful and inspiring to see how great a community can come together for a project like this. I see the enthusiasm amongst the Mortonites and I see the enthusiasm brought in from the cast and crew and I am so excited to see what we all can do together!

Fast forward a few hours (...okay several hours) later and now we’ve wrapped up for the night. Today was awesome and so much fun! I got to work with background and meet so many wonderful locals (and even some people that came in from out of town). Today we filmed at the high school where about twenty background people were included earlier in the day (shout out to you Shawna - awesome walking & chatting with you) and then over 120 wonderful folks came out to be part of this film. It was awesome seeing all the excitement with the children and adults alike and seeing them interact with the stars of the show. It was also fun to hear them ask questions about how much time, work, and effort goes into a single scene. We got to cheer Lynn on together and soon YOU guys will too! Overall, I’d say today was a fun, successful day and I look forward to what tomorrow brings!

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